exhibition - selected

11/2024 Gallery North: Newcastle upon Tyne [... in reference / reverie]; 02/2024 Royal Scottish Academy: Edinburgh [Group] [VAS Centenary]; 12/2023 AKA Gallery: Cambridge [Group] [Winter Show]; 09/2023 Pineapple Black [Upstairs]: Middlesbrough [Group] [... Steal an Art Show]; 05/2023 Newark Works: Bath [Group] [A Basic Unit of Reality] [FAB]; 02/2023 Old Parcel Office: Scarborough [Group] [Open]; 04/2022 Royal Scottish Academy: Edinburgh [Group] [Annual Open]; 11/2021 Royal Scottish Academy: Edinburgh [Group] [SSA Open]; 11/2021 Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair: Woolwich [Group]; 03/2020 Northern Print: Newcastle upon Tyne [Group] [Tutors…]; 12/2019 Royal Scottish Academy: Edinburgh [Group] [SSA / VAS Open]; 11/2019 Gallery Heike Arndt DK: Berlin [Group] [MiniMaxi]; 10/2019 Gallery North: Newcastle upon Tyne [Group] [Modus]; 08/2019 Vane: Newcastle upon Tyne [Group] [Make Print…]; 08/2019 Pineapple Black: Middlesbrough [Group] [Summer Open]; 06/2019 B&D studios: Newcastle upon Tyne [Solo] [… untitled]; 06/2018 Royal Scottish Academy: Edinburgh [Group] [Annual Open]; 05/2018 Toon: Amsterdam [Group] [Nostalgia]; 04/2018 System Gallery: Newcastle upon Tyne [Solo] [Outside…]; 04/2017 B&D studios: Newcastle upon Tyne [Solo] [… untitled]; 05/2016 Lubomirov / Angus-Hughes: London [Group] [SIXTY]; 12/2015 Arts Centre: Newcastle upon Tyne [Group] [Immaculate Conception]; 05/2015 Streetlighting Depot: Edinburgh [Group] [Hidden Door Festival]; 12/2014 Strasbourg Central Station: Strasbourg [Group] [OUTSIDEr]; 11/2014 Whitespace Gallery: Edinburgh [Group] [Black Cube Collective Print3]; 09/2014 151 London Road [St. Margaret's House]: Edinburgh [Group] [Black Cube Collective Annual Show]; 07/2014 Hoults Yard: Newcastle upon Tyne [Group] [Northern Print at]; 06/2014 Strasbourg Central Station: Strasbourg [Group] [Borders]; 12/2013 Stattbad Wedding: Berlin [Group] [Druck Berlin]; 10/2013 Anglia Ruskin University: Cambridge [Group] [art:language:location]; 06/2013 Leeds Gallery: Leeds [Group] [Yorkshire Artists Part 5]; 01/2013 Arts Centre: Washington [Group] [Simple Pleasures]; 11/2012 Pure Gallery: Whitley Bay [Group] [Cardboard Shelter Benefit];  09/2011 We Are Open: Middlesbrough [Joint] [seen me / 100%]; 03/2003 Schwan Stabilo: Nuremberg [no name...]; 11/2002 Artoz Media Galerie: Furth [Joint] [Europe in Furth]; 10/2000 Tacheles: Berlin [no name...]; 03/1999 Traverse: Edinburgh [no name...]; 10/1993 Czech Gallery: Leeds [Group] [no name...].


09/2022 Supporting the Arts Online Exhibition:
The artwork: … [and] with finger trace [tender: unbound] was featured within the
Supporting the Arts Online / Instagram 2022 Exhibition.

11/2021 Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair:
Receipt of the East London Printmakers Award for the artwork “… [and] in sleep: I trace words with my fingertips across the sheets where you did lay [entwined: entangled] [iii]”.

06/2020 Screen on Paper Online Exhibition:
The artwork: … [and] one had a sorrow; such sweet sorrow [those eyes: that mouth] [ii], featured within the Megalo Print Studio Screen on Paper Online Exhibition.

10/2017 Lungs 2:
Inclusion within the publication of Lungs 2; the second published collection, by Lungs Project, of artists based within the North East of England: lungsproject.org

06/2017 Black Box:
The artwork: … [and] sometimes, just sometimes: everything is so shiny and beautiful [eyes closed: held] – [postcard edit], included within the “Black Box” touring exhibition; assembled by Arvid Boeckerof boeckercontemporaryKünstlerhaus Saar, Saarbrücken, Germany; La 'S' Grand Atelier, Vielsalm, Belgium; Faux Mouvement, Centre d'art Contemporain, Metz, France and Casino Luxemburg, Forum d'art Contemporain, Luxemburg City, Luxemburg.

05/2015 Hidden Door Festival: Edinburgh.
Participation within the Hidden Door Festival: creation of artwork[s] responding to site, to be shown within environments that have fallen into disuse. Hidden Door 2015 was curated and presented at the old Streetlighting Depot Kings Stables Road Edinburgh.

10/2014 Refocus Anniversary Art Trail: Stockton on Tees.
The creation and placement of temporary site-specific artwork[s] within Stockton on Tees town centre; responding to history, landscape and context of site. Artwork wall mounted, overlooking the Stockton on Tees Parish Church Garden.

03/2014 Georges Perec Container Ship:
Responding to Species of Spaces fourteen artists each create an artwork: printed to an edition of fifteen, co-ordinated by Mikel Horlfor presentation alongside additional selective visual responses to the work of George Perec. Initial exhibit of artwork correlates with Species of Spaces: A Trans Disciplinary Conference on the Work of Georges Perecat Teesside University [Darlington Campus]. 

12/2013 Druck Berlin: Silkscreen Festival:
Held at Stattbad Wedding in Berlin and dedicated to the silkscreen print; organised by Dolly Demoratti [Mother Drucker] and Guillaume Trotin [Open Walls]: a number of prints were exhibited and represented through the festival Print Shop.

03/2013 mima / Tees Valley Visual Art Strategic Development Fund:
Receipt of a Research and Development Bursary from the Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art providing for financial assistance towards the travel, research and development of artwork and professional practice.

11/2011 mimafriends Award:
Acceptance of the mimafriends Award for Sustained Interdisciplinary Excellence in study towards a Masters at Teesside University, presented during a mimafriendspreview evening within the Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art.

11/2002 Europe in Furth – Artoz Media: Furth.
an innovative project to enable communication between artists, countries and between art and industry”: an initial weeklong series of seminars, talks and interaction culminating with exhibitions of artwork throughout Furth.